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Edvige Giunta

American, Italian

First Language(s): Italian
Second Language(s): English


What was your favorite book as a child?

“Little Women”.

Do you remember the original reason or motivation why you started writing creatively?

As a child, I used to write poems as a child, but stopped when I started middle school. I studied literature in college and graduate school and wrote exclusively traditional scholarly writing. One day — I was thirty-five — I was in the car with my partner, and heard some words in my head. I felt the urge to write them. I looked for pen and paper. The only paper I found was a bus ticket. I scribbled my first grown-up poem. In the days to come, I wrote dozens of small poems. I felt like a scribe and that I had to write.

What was the most adventurous or thrilling thing you ever did/experienced?

When I was twenty-one, I hitchhiked in Europe with my best friend. It was our last trip. She died a few years later.

Do you listen to music while reading or writing?

Not while I am reading, but I do while writing, especially music that takes me back to the time I am trying to capture on the page.


Flash Nonfiction
Issue Spring '19

Flash Nonfiction
Issue Spring '19

Supported by:

Land Steiermark: Kultur, Europa, Außenbeziehungen
U.S. Embassy Vienna
Stadt Graz