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Johanna Montilla

Venezuelan, Canadian

First Language(s): Spanish
Second Language(s): English


Johanna was born and raised in Venezuela, until one day when she moved to Canada. Believer in new beginnings, Johanna is addicted to chocolate, coffee and books with HEA. She completed a certificate program in Creative Writing at the University of Toronto. She has been published in Spanish and English and frequently reviews ARCs on NetGalley, Goodreads, and her blog.


What was your favorite book as a child?

My favorite book as a child was Peter Pan. I love to think there are adventures and a ‘Neverland’ somewhere for everybody, and I believe that the most important part to enjoy life is to keep our hearts young and to dream like a child does.

Do you remember the original reason or motivation why you started writing creatively?

I’ve always loved writing stories. As a little girl, I wrote stories with awful drawings but for me, they were masterpieces. Then in high school, I used to write love letters to my friends’ girlfriends (Shhh! That’s still a secret). Also, I wrote speeches for any important celebration, and in my senior year, I had the honor of being the valedictorian. At university and in the beginning of my career, I turned my writing into a research field. Many years later, I found a weekly writing group by accident and, after joining it, I went back to creative writing.

What was the most adventurous or thrilling thing you ever did/experienced?

The most adventurous and thrilling thing I’ve done is also the scariest: To move my family from a tropical country, from a city where the weather is 40 Celsius degrees almost every day, to a four-season country, and then to start over.

Do you listen to music while reading or writing?

No, I don’t listen to music while reading or writing. Instead, I’m fully focused on the story as if I were inside the pages, living every moment alongside the characters. I like to pour all my attention into the story, nothing else exists but the book and me.


The List Maker
Issue Fall '21

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