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Khem K. Aryal


First Language(s): Nepali
Second Language(s): English, Hindi


Aryal’s fiction has appeared in such journals as Isthmus, Hawai’i Pacific Review, Poydras Review, Northeast Review, Warscapes and Qwerty Magazine. He holds a Ph.D. in English from the University of Missouri and teaches Creative Writing at Arkansas State University, Jonesboro. He also serves as Creative Materials Editor of Arkansas Review.


What was your favorite book as a child?

I enjoyed reading Aesop's fables as a child. Hemingway's The Old Man and the Sea was the first English novel I read.

Do you remember the original reason or motivation why you started writing creatively?

I can't quite tell what the original motivation was, but I have had a love for written words since my childhood. I guess I wanted to tell stories, initially in the form of poems.

What was the most adventurous or thrilling thing you ever did/experienced?

Writing the first draft of a novel, two pages everyday for about nine months with the exception of a few days when I was sick.

Do you listen to music while reading or writing?

It depends. Sometimes music helps me to better conceptualize the world I am building in fiction (mostly while revising my work) but other times complete silence helps my creativity.


Short Story
Thapaliyaji the Social Worker
Issue Fall '19

Supported by:

Land Steiermark: Kultur, Europa, Außenbeziehungen
U.S. Embassy Vienna
Stadt Graz